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    Witch's Juniper Wand (Props)

    About Juniper Trees

    Juniper is a tree with a long, mythical history known to be a natural witch repellent, effective medicinal herb, and as a flavoring to alcohol. Depending on the culture and location, the juniper can serve as a warning, induce labor, and also symbolize youth and beauty.

    The smoke from burned juniper played a part in spring-time rituals of cleansing and casting out of witchcraft. Juniper was also burned during outbreaks of the plague. In Scotland, people would attempt to expel the disease by fumigating the house and occupants with the smoke.

    Ancient Mesopotamians believed that juniper oil could be used to ward off the evil eye.

    Native Americans also used juniper extensively. There are records of Apache tribes using various species to relieve seizures, cure colds and coughs, and to aid childbirth. The Cree people used it to lower a fever, ease lung infections and toothaches, and relieve kidney troubles.

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